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Season of Love


Updated: Aug 9, 2019

It is the season of love and this month we see people buying flowers and jewellery. Today is February 14th which is Valentine's Day (which also happens to be my dad's birthday). This day is celebrated in the US, other countries and right here in the Caribbean. It wasn't always popular in the Caribbean but today we can see everywhere painted in red to celebrate the day.

Many of you may not know but this season has it's origin in a Roman festival Lupercalia. I won't bore you with the details but this was a Roman fertility festival. It is believed that some time over the years this festival was Christianized and became known as Valentine's Day. It was supposedly named after one of the saint Valentine (The catholic church has 3) but nobody really knows for sure. Some say Saint Valentine sent the first Valentine himself while imprisoned in a Roman jail to a girl he fell in love with.

Valentine's Day has different meanings to everyone. Some use the day to remind themselves about the special persons in their lives or simply to remember that love is a powerful tool. Some use the day to celebrate themselves and their journey. Whatever inspiration comes your way today remember to show those special someones in your life that they matter. Follow us at for more blogs.

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